Dean's Office

As dean of the College of Arts and Letters at the University of Notre Dame, Sarah Mustillo is responsible for the overall vision and strategy of the College. She oversees both the academic core and the support structure of the College. In cooperation with faculty members and other administrators, the dean seeks to advance Arts and Letters while integrating the various aspects of Notre Dame’s triadic identity as a residential liberal arts college, a dynamic research university, and a Catholic institution of international standing.

The dean oversees the University’s programs in the Division of the Arts, the Division of the Humanities, and the Division of the Social Sciences; appoints and oversees associate deans and the chairpersons of 20 departments as well as selected directors and support staff; and supports and evaluates the teaching and research of faculty members.

Office location

100 O’Shaughnessy Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Dean's Executive Committee

  1. Mary Flannery

    Mary Flannery

    Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies

    Mary Flannery

    Mary Flannery

    Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
    P: +1 574-631-0092

    Associate Dean Mary Flannery is the Director of the Office for Undergraduate Studies and oversees the work of the assistant deans. She monitors all Arts and Letters undergraduate degree programs, including College-wide undergraduate programs not housed in a department (such as Glynn Family Honors) and those offered in affiliated centers, programs, and institutes; she helps to coordinate and develop inter-collegiate programs and supervises supplemental majors, interdisciplinary minors, and area studies minors.

    Mary chairs the Undergraduate Studies Committee, which reviews faculty proposals for departmental and interdisciplinary minors as well as general undergraduate matters. She works with departments on College-wide requirements and initiatives that include thesis writing, undergraduate research, writing-intensive requirements, honors tracks, and both the University and College Seminars.

    Her duties also include overseeing the selection of faculty teaching awards in the College, monitoring enrollment issues, handling appeals in Honor Code violation cases, and helping to coordinate and plan the collegiate portion of University events such as First-Year Welcome Weekend and admissions recruitment visitations. She oversees two faculty funding initiatives: Table Talk and Teaching Beyond the Classroom. Mary serves as liaison to a number of University units including the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Student Affairs, Notre Dame International Studies, the Center for Career Development, the Center for Social Concerns, the First Year of Studies, the Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the other Colleges in the University.

  2. Peter Holland

    Peter Holland

    Interim Associate Dean for the Arts

    Peter Holland

    Peter Holland

    Interim Associate Dean for the Arts
    P: +1 574-631-0203

    Holland was educated at Cambridge and, when he left in 1997, was Judith E. Wilson Reader in Drama and Theatre in the Faculty of English. He then served as Director of the Shakespeare Institute at Stratford-upon-Avon and Professor in Shakespeare Studies at the University of Birmingham before coming to Notre Dame in 2002 as the first holder of the McMeel Family Chair in Shakespeare Studies, probably the only named chair in Shakespeare anywhere in the world that is not in an English or Literature department.

    He was editor of Shakespeare Survey, the UK’s leading academic Shakespeare journal for 19 years, co-General Editor, with Stanley Wells and Lena Orlin, of Oxford Shakespeare Topics (Oxford University Press, over 30 volumes to date); with Adrian Poole, of the 18-volume series Great Shakespeareans (Bloomsbury Academic, 2009-13; with Farah Karim-Cooper and Stephen Purcell of a monograph series, Shakespeare in the Theatre (Bloomsbury Academic, 15 volumes to date); and, with Zachary Leader and Tiffany Stern, of the Arden Shakespeare 4th series. He has also edited many Shakespeare plays.

    In 2007, Holland completed publication of a five-volume series of collections on Rethinking British Theatre History. He is the author of more than 140 articles on a wide range of topics in Shakespeare studies as well as on David Garrick, English pantomime, Chekhov, farce, Peter Brook, and many other aspects of drama and performance.

    In 2007–08, he served as President of the Shakespeare Association of America. He is Chair of the International Shakespeare Association. He was elected an honorary fellow of the Shakespeare Institute and of Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. In 2012 he received the Sheedy Award at Notre Dame.

  3. Ellen Roof

    Ellen Kirol

    Academic Advancement Director

    Ellen Roof

    Ellen Kirol

    Academic Advancement Director

    Ellen Kirol was appointed as the academic advancement director for the College of Arts and Letters in 2021. In this role, she acts as the liaison between the Dean and faculty of the College of Arts and Letters and Notre Dame's Office of Development. She works to promote the College’s funding priorities with our fundraisers and benefactors.

  4. Michelle LaCourt

    Michelle LaCourt

    Sr. Director of Finance & Administration

    Michelle LaCourt

    Michelle LaCourt

    Sr. Director of Finance & Administration
    P: +1 574-631-7340

    Michelle was appointed senior director of finance and administration in 2017. Prior to joining the College of Arts and Letters, Michelle spent 10 years working in various roles at Notre Dame Research, most recently as the director of finance and administration. In that role, she was responsible for the financial management functions for units reporting to the Vice President for Research, including the 25 interdisciplinary centers, institutes, and initiatives and the research support programs. Among her other duties, Michelle coordinated with and advised directors/managers and the Associate Vice President of Research on issues related to human resources, such as position development, position classification, posting and searches, hiring, and implementation of performance management, compensation, and recognition programs.

    Prior to her work at Notre Dame, Michelle directed an AmeriCorps program, where her duties included recruiting, selecting, training, supervising, and evaluating 60 full-time people in northern Michigan. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Michigan Tech in business administration.

    Administrative Responsibilities

    • Finance — Responsible for budget planning and administration for the College’s unrestricted budget as well as the oversight and review of the College’s restricted funds. Allocates funds for non-regular faculty hires and is the primary contact for special funding requests. Directs financial activities between unrestricted and restricted funding mechanisms. Interfaces with affiliated units to support business operations. Coordinates College financial functions with the Provost's Office, Controller's Office, Restricted Accounting, the Budget Office, Accounts Payable, Procurement, and Human Resources offices.
    • Centralized Management Functions — Supports and facilitates diverse College departments and affiliated staff. Assists faculty department chairs in managerial oversight and departmental planning. Central point of contact and resource for operating and administrative needs of the College.

    Direct Reports

    • T.D. Ball, Staff Accountant
    • Aaron Frick, Associate Director, Finance

    Committee Assignments

    • Arts and Letters Journals Committee (ex officio)
    • Campus Workstation Program Committee
    • College Committee for the Review of Non-Regular Faculty Requests
    • College Council
    • Deans and Chairpersons Committee
    • Executive Committee
    • University Business Managers Committee

    Liaison Relationships

    • Controller’s Group
    • Office of Budget and Planning
    • Office of the Provost
    • Procurement Services
  5. Kate Marshall

    Kate Marshall

    Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives, Director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts

    Kate Marshall

    Kate Marshall

    Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives, Director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts
    P: +1 574-631-1737

    Leadership of Research Strategy

    • Build, sustain, and promote research excellence in all three of the College’s divisions (Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences).
    • Develop policies and procedures that support the College’s strategic plan with particular emphasis on advancing research excellence.
    • Serve as Director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts.
    • Be a campus-wide advocate for scholarship in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
    • Serve as a liaison between the College and Notre Dame Research.
    • Initiate, develop, and lead cross-college and campus-wide research initiatives.
    • Work with Notre Dame International, Notre Dame Research, and College faculty to cultivate and enhance research and scholarship at the University’s Global Gateways (Beijing, Dublin, Jerusalem, London, and Rome).
    • Work with the Director of Communications and Marketing to promote the research reputation of the College within the public and academic sectors.

    Leadership of Strategic Initiatives in Arts & Letters

    • Work with the Dean, associate deans, department chairpersons, and faculty to identify, implement, and track initiatives with significant potential to further the College’s strategic vision and societal impact.
    • Work with the Dean and Director of Academic Advancement to define the fundraising objectives of the College.
    • Coordinate internal strategic planning processes.
    • Support an entrepreneurial culture among the faculty toward scholarship and teaching.
    • Lead college-wide strategic initiatives as assigned by the Dean.

    Financial Management

    • With the Dean and Senior Director of Finance and Administration, establish and manage the College’s financial commitments to research and scholarship.
    • Provide overall financial management and stewardship of endowments devoted to supporting research, scholarship, and creative work.
    • With divisional associate deans and department chairpersons, develop and approve research start-up packages for newly hired faculty members.
    • Administer Faculty Research and Professional Development (R&PD) accounts.
    • Evaluate and administer requests for cost-sharing on externally funded research projects.

    Faculty Research Support

    • Oversee the evaluation and provision of internal grants for faculty research, conference travel, publication subventions, and other research expenses.
    • Provide information, advice, and assistance in finding and obtaining external grant and fellowship funds from public and private agencies.
    • Help departments, programs, centers, and individual faculty members develop grant proposals consistent with each unit’s strategic plan.
    • Coordinate and develop research space.
    • Review and approve of all grant submissions on behalf of the College.
    • Monitor and advise on research compliance issues.
    • Develop support agreements for editors of scholarly journals

    Student Research Support

    • Develop policies and funding initiatives to support student research, including graduate student professional development.
    • Oversee evaluation and funding of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) grants.
    • Oversee evaluation and funding of Graduate Research Opportunity Program (GROP) grants and Graduate Student Research Awards.

    Committee Assignments

    • Arts and Letters College Council
    • Arts and Letters Deans and Chairpersons
    • Arts and Letters Executive Committee
    • Arts and Letters Space Committee
    • Science and Engineering Research Council
    • Center for Social Sciences Research Faculty Steering Committee (NDR)
    • Center for Research Computing Advisory Committee (NDR)
    • Faculty Research Support and Limited Submissions Review Committees (NDR)
    • Laboratory Safety Advisory Committee (Risk Management)

    Direct Reports

    • Administrative Coordinator
    • Associate Directors, ISLA
    • Assistant Directors, ISLA
    • Assistant Director, Academic Conferences

    Liaison Relationships

    • Notre Dame Research
    • Colleges of Science, Engineering, and Business
    • Keough School of Global Affairs
    • The Graduate School
    • Center for Research Computing
    • Center for Social Sciences Research
  6. Ernest Morrell

    Ernest Morrell

    Associate Dean for the Humanities and Equity

    Ernest Morrell

    Ernest Morrell

    Associate Dean for the Humanities and Equity

    • Faculty Recruitment, Appointments, and Departmental Coordination

      • Approve recruitment ads for departments in the Humanities
      • In consultation with the search committees, approve short list for on-campus visits
      • Interview all junior faculty candidates in the Humanities (American Studies, Classics, East Asian Languages and Literature, English, History, Philosophy, Program of Liberal Studies, and Theology).
      • Review terms and author letters of offer in the Humanities.
      • In consultation with the Dean and the department chairpersons, review recruitment of women, minority, and mission faculty candidates.
      • Administer appointment process and materials in Humanities departments for the following:
        - Endowed chairs (including the organization of endowed chair committees)
        - Preliminary screening of promotion packets in the Humanities
        - Junior faculty
        - Visitor and adjunct faculty
        - Approve budget allocations for non-regular faculty appointments and salaries
      • Administer faculty leaves within the Division of Humanities.
      • Administer salary appeals within the Division of Humanities.
      • Review and coordinate non-Regular teaching within the Division of Humanities
      • Discuss retirement options with faculty in the Division of Humanities.
      • Participate in departmental and program reviews in the Division of Humanities.
      • Prepare mid-term reviews of chairpersons within the Division of Humanities
      • In consultation with the departments, prepare for the Dean a list of external reviewers of departments in the Humanities.

      Program Supervision

      • Center for the Study of the Philosophy of Religion
      • Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
      • Devers Program in Dante Studies
      • Medieval Institute

      Graduate Studies in the Humanities

      • Supervise graduate programs within the Division of Humanities, including the Ph.D. in Literature, the Medieval Institute and the History and Philosophy of Science program.
      • Compile annual metrics for graduate studies in the Humanities.

      Direct Reports

      • Sr. Administrative Assistant
      • Director, Medieval Institute
      • Director, Center for Philosophy of Religion
      • Director, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
      • Director, Maritain Center

      Committee Assignments

      • Arts and Letters Advisory Committee on Women in Arts and Letters (Chair)
      • Arts and Letters College Council
      • Arts and Letters Deans and Chairpersons
      • Arts and Letters Executive Committee
      • Arts and Letters Faculty Search Request Review Committee
      • Arts and Letters Space Committee
      • Humanities Space Committee (Chair)
      • Pre-screening Committee for Non-Obligatory Promotions

      Liaison Relationships

      • Office of General Counsel
      • Office of Academic Mission Support
      • Office of Institutional Equity
      • Human Resources
      • Graduate School
      • Office of the Provost
      • University Libraries
      • Arts and Letters Nominating and Elections Committee
  7. Sarah Mustillo

    Sarah Mustillo

    I.A. O’Shaughnessy Dean

    Sarah Mustillo

    Sarah Mustillo

    I.A. O’Shaughnessy Dean
    P: +1 574-631-6642

    As dean of the College of Arts and Letters at the University of Notre Dame, Sarah Mustillo is responsible for the overall vision and strategy of the College. She oversees both the academic core and the support structure of the College. In cooperation with faculty members and other administrators, the dean seeks to advance Arts and Letters while integrating the various aspects of Notre Dame’s triadic identity as a residential liberal arts college, a dynamic research university, and a Catholic institution of international standing.

    The dean oversees the University’s programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences; appoints and oversees associate deans and the chairpersons of 20 departments as well as selected directors and support staff; and supports and evaluates the teaching and research of faculty members.

    Dean Mustillo’s key responsibilities include:

    • overall vision and strategic planning
    • tenure and promotion decisions
    • high-level appointments to faculty positions, including external recruitment to full professorships and endowed chairs
    • appointment and review of department chairpersons
    • fundraising and external representation and advocacy
    • major budgeting responsibilities and priorities
    • leadership development within the College
    • departmental reviews and evaluations

    An expert in the social causes of childhood mental illness and statistical methods used in social science research, Mustillo joined the Notre Dame faculty in 2014, after serving seven years as a professor of sociology at Purdue University and six years on the faculty at Duke University School of Medicine. She was chair of Notre Dame’s Department of Sociology from 2016–2018.

    Mustillo earned her master’s and doctoral degrees in sociology from Duke University, after graduating magna cum laude from Notre Dame in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology.

    Her research interests include the social antecedents of mental illness, statistical methods, and social epidemiology. She recently completed a term as co-editor of the American Sociological Review, is the author of more than 75 peer-reviewed journal articles and a frequent speaker at domestic and international conferences on topics ranging from child mental health and wellness to advanced statistical methods.

    Mustillo has served as principal investigator or co-principal investigator on several multimillion-dollar grant-funded studies and is presently co-investigator on a $2.4 million study of sibling socialization of alcohol and drug use from early through late adolescence, funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

    In the classroom, Mustillo has been honored with a number of awards for teaching and scholarship excellence, including a fellowship from the Center for Instructional Excellence at Purdue.

  8. Michael Pries

    Michael Pries

    Associate Dean for the Social Sciences

    Michael Pries

    Michael Pries

    Associate Dean for the Social Sciences
    P: +1 574-631-1584

    Faculty Recruitment, Appointments, and Departmental Coordination

    • Interview all junior candidates in the Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) and Africana Studies.
    • Review departmental letters of offer in the Division of Social Sciences.
    • Administer appointment process and materials in Social Science departments for the following:
      - Endowed chairs (including the organization of endowed chair committees)
      - Preliminary screening of promotion packets in the Social Sciences
      - Junior faculty
      - Visitor and adjunct faculty
      - Approve budget allocations for non-regular faculty appointments and salaries
    • Administer faculty leaves within the Division of Social Sciences.
    • Administer salary appeals within the Division of Social Sciences.
    • Review and coordinate non-Regular teaching within the Division of Social Sciences, including postdoctoral and visiting scholar appointments.
    • Develop and administer retirement agreements within the Division of Social Sciences.
    • Prepare mid-term reviews of chairpersons within the Division of Social Sciences.
    • In consultation with the Dean, review recruitment of women, minority, and mission faculty candidates.
    • Participate in departmental and program reviews in the Division of Social Sciences.
    • Prepare for the Dean a list of external reviewers of departments in the Social Sciences.
    • Administer department reviews (in conjunction with the Dean and the Office of Strategic Planning) within the Division of Social Sciences.

    Program Supervision

    • Gender Studies
    • Computing and Digital Technologies
    • Arts and Letters Post-Doctoral Fellowships

    Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences

    • Supervise graduate programs in the Division of Social Sciences, including the Ph.D. in Peace Studies.
    • Review annual metrics for graduate studies in the Social Sciences.
    • Coordinate, as needed, external surveys of Arts and Letters graduate studies and faculty research.
    • Administer graduate student space allocations.

    Direct Reports

    • Sr. Administrative Coordinator
    • Director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA)
    • Director, Computing and Digital Technologies Program (CDT)
    • Directors of interdisciplinary centers and programs (excluding undergraduate interdisciplinary minors) within the College (e.g., for appointments and budgets), including:
      - Center for Children and Families (CCF)
      - Center for Social Research (CSR) (joint report with Office of Research)
      - Center for the Study of Religion and Society
      - Center for the Study of Social Movements and Social Change
      - Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values
      - Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy
    • Journal editors (general supervision of all journals and journal support agreements)

    Committee Assignments

    • Arts and Letters College Council
    • Arts and Letters Deans and Chairpersons
    • Arts and Letters Executive Committee
    • Arts and Letters Faculty Search Request Review Committee
    • Arts and Letters Leave Committee
    • Arts and Letters Space Committee
    • College Laboratory Safety Committee (chair)
    • Center for Research Computing Advisory Committee
    • Limited Submissions Review Committee, Office of Research
    • Pre-screening Committee for Non-Obligatory Promotions
    • Strategic Research Committee, Office of Research
    • Graduate School Leadership Committee, Graduate School
    • Social Sciences Building Planning Committee (co-chair)
    • Academic and Faculty Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees (Social Science representative)

    Liaison Relationships

    • Graduate School
    • Office of Research
    • Center for Research Computing (CRC)
    • University Libraries
  9. Josh Weinhold

    Josh Weinhold

    Director, Marketing and Communications

    Josh Weinhold

    Josh Weinhold

    Director, Marketing and Communications

    Josh Weinhold was appointed as director of communications and marketing for the College of Arts & Letters in 2023, after previously serving as the Office of Communications’ associate director and assistant director. He has more than 15 years of experience in higher education marketing, strategic communications, and political and legal journalism. Josh earned his bachelor’s degree in journalism and humanities from Valparaiso University.


    As communications director, Josh is responsible for developing and executing the College’s strategic communications plan. He oversees all Arts and Letters communications and marketing projects, including news, print, and electronic publications and promotions, social media, video, special events, and more than 100 websites. Josh serves as a member of the College’s Executive Committee and an advisor to the dean, and he provides consulting, editorial, and creative services to faculty leaders across Arts & Letters. He also represents Arts & Letters across campus, coordinating on strategies and messaging that serve wider University goals and communications initiatives.

    Communications Team

    Matthew Bizoe, Web Content Strategist
    Jon Hendricks, Video Producer
    Heidi Henke, Graphic Designer
    Mary Kinney, Associate DirectorKim Murray, Staff Assistant
    Beth Staples, Writer/Editor

    Committee Assignments

    Arts & Letters Executive Committee
    Arts & Letters Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    Arts at Notre Dame
    Campus Communicators Cabinet
    College Council
    Deans and Chairpersons Committee
    Notre Dame Diversity and Inclusion Practitioners Group

  10. Ashley Zingo 1

    Ashley Zingo

    Senior Director of Organizational Effectiveness

    Ashley Zingo 1

    Ashley Zingo

    Senior Director of Organizational Effectiveness
    P: +1 574-631-1793

    Ashley Zingo is Director of Operations for the College of Arts and Letters. In this role, she focuses on enhancing workplace culture and DEI, recruiting and retaining employees, and strengthening our organization — from training systems to space planning to information technology support.

    Before joining the College, Ashley was Director of Employee Engagement for University Enterprises and Events (UEE), where she served as the chief strategist for engagement with all colleagues of the UEE division. She provided leadership to deepen a culture reflective of Notre Dame values and led a team that was dedicated to workforce planning, recruitment strategies, employee engagement, strengthening of culture, division-wide communications, training, learning and development, and performance management.

    Previously, Ashley served as the Director of Event Services for Event Management at the University of Notre Dame, where she was responsible for the planning, operations, and execution of events within Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame Conference Center, and additional locations across campus. Ashley's leadership in this role involved a significant focus on employee engagement, culture, and strategic human resource management.

    Prior to joining the Notre Dame family, Ashley served as the Associate Director for Projects and Initiatives at the University of Chicago and as Conference Coordinator at Colorado State University, where she earned bachelor's degrees in psychology and business administration and a master's in management practice. She has also earned a number of certificates, including the John Affleck-Graves Excellence in Leadership and the ACCED-I 2015 Mentor of the Year Award.

    Administrative Responsibilities

    The Director of Operations serves as the primary staff leadership role for the College of Arts and Letters and directs organizational activities in this area, including staffing structure, staff recruitment and hiring, coaching, and performance enhancement, as well as enhancing workplace culture and diversity, equity, and inclusion.


    • Leads strategic staff recruiting, selection, coaching, retention
    • Responsible for performance management systems; provides second-level review on all staff performance reviews
    • Manages accountability, development, and implementation of training systems
    • Works in close partnership with the College's HR Consultant and collaborates with HR on employment, retention, and employee experience
    • Understands and implements HR policies across the College; serves as liaison to HR and General Counsel's Office
    • Leads DEI efforts and team-building amongst staff in the College

    Information Technology

    • Oversees Arts and Letters Computing Office and strategic computing support
    • Supports computing office activities regarding the implementation of information technology for faculty and administrative areas of the College of Arts and Letters.
    • Leads policy implementation with the Office of Information Technology through the Distributed Support Services model.

    Academic Space Planning

    • Directs College of Arts and Letters facilities utilization and renovations across 14 university building locations.
    • Leads and liaisons with campus building services, facilities management, architect's office, and College departments and faculty to assure facility needs are met in an effective and efficient manner.
    • Establishes/oversees policies and procedures related to departmental spaces.

    Direct reports

    • Allison Collins, Operations Program Manager
    • Bridget Fields, Employee Experience Program Manager
    • Scott Russell, IT Director, College of Arts and Letters

    Committee assignments

    • Executive Committee
    • College Council
    • Deans and Chairpersons Committee
    • Human Resources Advisory Group
    • Space Action Committee

    Liaison relationships

    • Human Resources
    • General Counsel