Deans and chairs

Contact Information

College directory, google groups

Departmental Profiles

Number of faculty, degrees offered, administrator names

Faculty Bookshelf

Display your hard work on the Faculty Bookshelf

Faculty Hiring: Non-Regular Resources

Appointment Letters, Inbound and MOU Agreements, and Examples

Faculty Hiring Resource: Interfolio

Conducting Faculty Searches with Interfolio

Faculty Hiring Resource: OnBase

When to use it, access, training; How to submit a Request for Appointment Form

Meetings of Deans and Chairs

Schedule, agenda items, info for chairpersons

Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion for Tenure-Track Faculty

Best practices, CRPT meetings, external letters, organization plans, packets, checklists, timeline

Regular Faculty Hiring Process: Step 1

Search authorization approval, creating & removing postings

Regular Faculty Hiring Process: Step 2

Conducting a search, formulating lists, conducting interviews

Regular Faculty Hiring Process: Step 3

Offer letters, review and approval

Regular Faculty Hiring Process: Step 4

OnBase Hiring Packet and Approval

Regular Faculty Hiring Process: Step by Step

Overview of how to do the faculty hiring process


Guidance on the use and acknowledgement of contributions

Timelines for Reappointments for TPAC and Research Faculty

Timelines for review and reappointment of TPAC faculty members are tied to rank. Contracts are issued for periods of one, three, and five years.