Contact Information

Allison Collins, Operations Program Manager


The Arts & Letters Directory lists all College personnel and is generated from information in FileMaker Pro.


  • To revise a phone number or office address, or to revise the name or job title of a staff member, contact Allison Collins, Operations Program Manager
  • To update your photo, contact David Klawiter, Sr. IT Solutions Specialist
  • Any changes to faculty records (name, department, rank) should be sent to your divisional Sr. Administrative Coordinator

Google Groups

To send an email to Google Groups within the College, send your message to the email addresses listed below. Moderators for each list are charged with approving all message requests before sending them out. 

Faculty & Staff

Department Chair


Informal Communication (ALSEC Friendly)

  • For anything non-work related (contractor recommendations, school fundraisers, football ticket exchange, etc.)
