Faculty annual reviews

Annual Faculty Reviews

Salary recommendations, areas of evaluation, communication to faculty

Annual Reviews for Junior Faculty

The University requires all chairpersons to send annual letters of review to probationary faculty at the conclusion of each academic year.

Best Practices for Renewal and Tenure Cases

Overview of basic procedures and challenges typically encountered with reappointments and promotions.

External Letters

Outside evaluations for tenure and promotion cases

Faculty CVs

Guidelines and process overview for collecting curriculum vitae

Faculty Ranks

Who is considered to be regular faculty and their professional responsibilities

Non-Obligatory Promotions

Non-obligatory cases are tenure cases in advance of the required review date and promotions to full professor.

Organizational Plans

What information to include in the OP

Promotion Process

Promotion Packets for all TPAC and Research faculty are due to the Dean's office by the first Friday in October.

Promotion to Endowed Chair

Checklists, external reviewer letters

Reappointment Process for TPAC & Research Faculty

Cheat sheet, deadlines, packets, recommendations, standard dates

Salary Appeals

Appeal process for faculty annual raises

Salary Recommendations

After performing annual reviews of each faculty member in the department, chairpersons are asked to provide the Dean’s Office with salary recommendations for the coming academic year.

Timelines for Reappointments for TPAC and Research Faculty

Timelines for review and reappointment of TPAC faculty members are tied to rank. Contracts are issued for periods of one, three, and five years.