Annual Reviews for Junior Faculty

Karin Dale, Dean's Executive Administrator

The CRPT, or a subcommittee of the CRPT such as an Executive Committee or Chair’s Advisory Committee, should support the chairperson in performing the annual review. The CRPT should monitor the progress of all junior faculty by reviewing research, observing teaching, and accounting for service. After discussing the case with the committee, the chairperson should compose an evaluation letter covering research, teaching, and service. All annual review letters should be submitted to the divisional associate dean for approval. Once the letter has been approved, it should be sent to the junior faculty member, with a copy sent to the Provost’s Office (a final copy should also be sent to the divisional dean’s administrative coordinator so that it can be filed in the Dean’s office file keeping system). Annual evaluations are not included in tenure and promotion packets.

The letters should be encouraging in tone, but provide clear advice, e.g. about the best journal or press placements, priorities for teaching and research, etc. It is important to remember that these are not letters of evaluation, but letters that are intended to help faculty move successfully toward tenure.

Please contact the divisional Associate Deans with questions regarding annual reviews.
