Postdoctoral Appointments

Megan Fitz | Dean's Office Senior Administrative Coordinator | (574) 631-1792

Jordan Rodgers| Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Program Coordinator | (574) 631-2087

Postdoc Appointment Process Map

Postdoctoral appointments offer recent advanced degree recipients a period in which to extend their education and professional training.  The opportunity to carry out postdoctoral studies within the broad environment of research, scholarship, and creative endeavor that exists at the University of Notre Dame, can significantly broaden an individual’s expertise, provide a period of more independent scholarship, and help define future career paths.

The 5+1 Fellowship is a 10-month appointment that runs August-May. Under the program, any current graduate student in the College who completes the requirements of his or her Ph.D. program within five years is guaranteed a one-year postdoctoral fellowship with a salary, full benefits, and access to professional development funds. To qualify, a student must complete all requirements for the degree by the August graduation deadline set by the Graduate School before what would otherwise be the 11th semester of graduate study. 

Students participating in the 5+1 Fellowship can follow two tracks: teaching and research or an internship.

Related Links

5 + 1 FAQ

5 + 1 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Appointment Descriptions

Personnel Actions Guide

Postdoctoral Policies and Procedures
