Summer Session

Kellye Mitros, Associate Director of Faculty Administration

Course Cancellations and Change Information

All summer session faculty members must clearly understand the University reserves the right to cancel any course without sufficient enrollment. “Sufficient enrollment” is defined as a minimum of 8 students registered for credit by 21 days prior to the first day of the course. Departments/Programs are responsible for communicating this enrollment threshold to instructors, and should endeavor to support enrollment by communicating their offerings broadly to eligible students. The Summer Sessions team (campus and online) will communicate enrollment concerns to departments, although departments should also monitor Class Search for accurate enrollment figures. The decision to cancel a course will be made by the Director of the Summer Session in consultation with the appropriate department chair.

All summer courses are required to offer a minimum of at least 15 seats.

Salary Assignments for Regular Faculty

Notre Dame’s regular faculty are compensated at the rate of $11,000 for a three credit class. Additional credits should be prorated at $3,666.67 per credit. Regular faculty are defined for the summer session as Tenured and Tenure-Track, Teaching, Professor of the Practice, Clinical, Advising and Research, Library, and Emeriti Faculty. Regular faculty do not require an additional appointment to teach during the Summer Session, as they are assigned to teach by the department. All departments will work with their college Dean’s Office or Business Manager to submit salary assignments via insideND. Under the comments section on the salary assignment screen please indicate 1) the subject, number and title of the course(s), 2) the number of credit hours for each course, 3) the dates within which the course(s) will be taught, and 4) the person is regular faculty. If you are uncertain of any of these course elements, please use Class Search.

Salary Assignments for Non-Regular Faculty (Graduate Students, Adjuncts)

Notre Dame’s non-regular faculty are now compensated at the rate of $7,000 for a three credit class. Additional credits should be prorated at $2,333.34 per credit. Non-regular faculty are defined for the summer session as Notre Dame graduate students in good standing or adjunct instructors (those without a regular faculty appointment at Notre Dame).

Graduate Students

Graduate students teaching a course will have salary assignments made in the Student Jobs link in insideND. All departments will work with their college Dean’s Office or Business Manager to submit salary assignments via the Student Jobs link in insideND. Under the comments section on the salary assignment screen please indicate 1) the subject, number and title of the course(s), 2) the number of credit hours for each course and 3) the dates within which the course(s) will be taught, 4) the person is a graduate student instructor. If you are uncertain of any of these course elements, please use Class Search.

Occasionally, a department coordinator may not have access to Student Jobs. If so, please work with the graduate studies coordinator or a staff member in the Dean's Office. Details on how to enter the student job:

  • Add Stipend Job or One Time Pay
  • Select Position: Grad Stipend
  • Enter Stipend Amount: 7000
  • Term: One Time Pay
  • Academic Year: (select year of summer session)
  • Actual Start Work Date: the 15th or end of the month prior to the teaching start date
  • Actual End Work Date: the 15th or end of the month after the teaching end date
  • Total Hours Worked: (2.5 times the number of teaching hours)


Adjunct instructors who are not current members of the University’s regular faculty are required by the Provost’s Office to be appointed formally as a member of the faculty. Please work with your Dean’s Office in preparation of these appointments. Information can be found on the Provost’s Office site.

NB: The University does not have visiting faculty appointments specifically for the summer session. Non-regular faculty from another institution are considered adjunct faculty in the Notre Dame summer session. Regular Notre Dame faculty in most cases should be preferred over external faculty for summer teaching. However, the departments may propose for approval adjunct instructors at the regular faculty pay scale on a case by case basis, if they assert that no qualified regular Notre Dame faculty were available. Such a request for approval should be submitted to Director of the Summer Session Chuck Hurley via email. Departments/programs are encouraged to share possible teaching needs with regular faculty broadly and as far in advance as possible.

Teaching Assistant (TA)

Historically, TAs have only been provided for summer courses in exceptional circumstances. The bulk of the Summer Session budget is to be spent on faculty. A course should have at least 30 registered students before requesting a TA from Director of the Summer Session Chuck Hurley via email.

Graduate and undergraduate students may serve as a TA in the summer session. These students must follow the established TA University guidelines.

  • Graduate students serving as a TA are compensated at the rate of $2,600 for a three credit class.
  • Undergraduate students serving as a TA are compensated at the rate of $15 per hour.

TAs will have salary assignments made in the Student Jobs link in insideND. All departments will work with their college Dean’s Office or Business Manager to submit salary assignments via the Student Jobs link in insideND. Under the comments section on the salary assignment screen please indicate 1) the subject, number and title of the course(s), 2) the number of credit hours for each course and 3) the dates within which the course(s) will be taught, 4) whether the student is a graduate TA or undergraduate TA. If you are uncertain of any of these course elements, please use Class Search.

Salary Assignment Due Dates & Under-Enrolled Classes

Since salary schedules are coordinated with other University processes, we ask that you submit all salary assignments by June 1, 2024, for summer courses. Please note the first pay for summer session faculty and Teaching Assistants does not occur until late June.

If the department chair wishes to run an under-enrolled class with less than 8 students, the department would need to make up the prorated salary difference. A class taught by regular faculty would have a prorated difference of $1,375 per student and those taught by non-regular faculty would have a prorated difference of $875. For example, if a class taught by a regular faculty member (salary $11,000) was approved by the director and department chair to run with 7 students, the summer session budget would cover $9,625 and the department’s budget would cover $1,375 of the salary.

Class Attendance and Instructor’s Role in Federal/State Compliance

It is the responsibility of a Summer Session instructor to notify the Office of the Registrar and the advising assistant/associate dean’s office immediately if they have a student who:

  • Has not been attending class, but still displays on the official Class Roster;
  • Has been attending class, but is not on the official Class Roster; or
  • Is a graduate-level student claiming to be an auditor; however, does not appear on the official Class Roster with the audit grade of “V” next to his or her name. (Undergraduates may not audit a course.)

Occasionally, a student will assert that they have added/dropped/audited a class; however, they have failed to complete the necessary registration/drop process. It is imperative that any misunderstandings be corrected immediately. Among the processes requiring notification of sustained non-attendance are federal visa issues, the calculation of semester and cumulative GPA, determination of student status, financial aid disbursement, housing assignments, and federal and state data compliance submissions.

If a Summer Session Instructor fails to report a persistently non-attending student, the institution can be subject to federal or state fines.

Final Exams

Please note the final exam best practice for Summer Session. In a course requiring a final exam, the exam should be held on the last scheduled class date. The last official scheduled class date can be found within Class Search. If an instructor wishes to schedule a different room or extended time from the standard class for their final exam, then the Office of the Registrar can accommodate such requests.


Related Links

From the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs:
