Staff Training and Development

Bridget Fields, Employee Experience Program Manager

It is essential we provide our staff with the tools to be successful!  Creating a supportive work environment so our staff feel good about the work they do, experience opportunities for personal growth, and have a consistent and rewarding Notre Dame experience.

Suggested Trainings 

Arts & Letters Orientation

Connecting our team to the college's mission and vision, introducing the team to college leadership, and providing helpful information about our culture. (provided upon start)

New Hire Safety Orientation

This training is to make new ND employees aware of specific safety and health hazards associated with their job, safeguards to take when performing the job, and how their behavior affects the safety of other employees. This training is required initially only and may be supplemented with other pertinent training required based on the hazards an employee is exposed to. (Register via eNDeavor)

Creating a Community of Respect

Our University is committed to promoting a work environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful for all. As a community, Notre Dame strives to reflect these values in life on campus and the natural extensions of our purpose beyond campus. To support and reinforce this mission and comply with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments of the Clery Act, we are asking that all employees complete this online training program within 30 days. (Register via eNDeavor)

Multicultural Competencies & Hiring Manager Game Changers

As part of our ongoing diversity and inclusion initiative, this workshop defines our D&I Strategic Plan, explains multicultural competencies, and discusses their benefits to Notre Dame, as well as, behaviors that can negatively influence campus climate and your team dynamics. The Hiring Game Changers portion, which was offered in the past, will be delivered separately at a later date. 

ND Essentials (For managers and supervisors)

If you supervise others at ND, you’ll need to know some basic University tools and resources essential for your role. This workshop includes Campus Safety Management 101 and Equal Opportunity and Equal Access, an overview of OIE policies, and the ADA Interactive Process. (Register via eNDeavor)

Living Notre Dame's Values (required for managers and supervisors)

This program reinforces that, at the University, healthy discourse is encouraged, concerns are expressed, misconduct is reported, retaliation is not tolerated, and constructive remarks, however critical, are heard and appropriately considered. Created as part of our mission, this workshop will help us all to be more effective in our common work. We are a better place if we listen to differing opinions respectfully and learn from one another in a way that strengthens trust. (Register via eNDeavor)

Better Conversations Everyday

This interactive workshop teaches coaching skills that:

  1. foster trust, empowerment, and respect/fairness
  2. equip all to speak up, give feedback, and better collaborate
  3. accelerate the growing culture of coaching at Notre Dame

While coaching skills are valuable at all levels on our organizational chart, this particular session gathers supervisors/managers to build connections, share common challenges, and exchange best practices. Join colleagues from throughout campus for large-group discussions, breakout exercises, and relevant practice sessions. (Register via eNDeavor)

Related Links

Arts & Letters Orientation

