Staff Separations

Bridget Fields, Employee Experience Program Manager

Staff who are leaving the university due to voluntary resignation, retirement, or involuntary termination are separated using Personnel Actions. If a full-time or part-time staff member is leaving the university, contact Bridget Fields to process the separation in PA.  Departments should only be separating temps and students.

Individuals separating from the University should consult the Separation Checklist for specific items to address before  departure.

Managers should review the Separation or Transfer Manager's Guide for specific action steps related to each type of separation or transfer.

Please note, if a staff member is transferring to a different position on campus, no action is needed. 

How to Process a Separation

  • Visit the Personnel Actions tool
  • Click on "Employee Lookup"
  • Input the search criteria and then click "Find"
  • Once you are in the employee's record, click on "Separation" near the top of the page. (Do not click the "Change Job" or "End Job" icons)
  • Complete the separation form as needed. Be sure to send the reminder checklist to the employee and their supervisor.

How to End a Job

This should only be done in the case of secondary or on-call positions (temps, student workers)

  • Visit the Personnel Actions tool
  • Click on "Employee Lookup"
  • Input the search criteria and then click "Find"
  • Once you are in the employee's record, click on the "End Job" icon next to the position that you want to end

