Staff Performance Evaluations: Supervisor Process

Ashley Zingo, Senior Director of Organizational Effectiveness

The manager plays a key role in the performance review process.  Once the employee submits year-end comments and ratings, the immediate manager reviews the employee's evaluation and completes the year-end assessment.


Performance Review Process

Performance Review Step Description Owner Date
Employee Self-Assessment

Employees complete self-review in eNDeavor


March 31

Manager Year-End Assessment

Manager's calibration worksheet and proposed rating due to Calibration Representative &Dean's Office

Manager Due April 14
Calibration Meeting

Supervisors participate in Calibration Meetings OR prepare your leader to represent

Manager April 16 - April 25
Final Ratings Approved

Dean’s Office provides final approval ratings based on calibration meetings

Dean's Office April 29
Performance Review & Feedback

Manager/Employee Feedback Meeting

Rating provided with clear feedback

Manager April 30 - May 9
Merit Finalized

Dean’s office to finalize merit

Supervisors to communicate merit %

Dean's Office  mid-June

Performance Rating Worksheet: Due mid-April

Chairs and Directors (calibration representatives) will be provided with a worksheet to submit the employees' performance ratings on.  

Supervisors, please send your calibration representative what rating they believe is appropriate for each employee and supporting documentation on why.  We ask that supervisors review the employee self-assessment, review feedback from stakeholders, provide ratings on expectations and goals, and provide specific examples of why the rating was suggested.  We will be reviewing the information shared and comparing it to the attached rating scale.  Chairs and directors are asked to collect this information, make sure they understand the rationale for the rating, and add it to the Performance Rating Worksheet. 

What if I have an employee who transferred mid-year?

If the move takes place at the beginning of the performance cycle the employee may start the year with their new manager. Edits may be made in Steps 1, 2, or 3.

When the move takes place at the mid-year point, the employee and their manager should work together to complete the performance review with the goals entered prior to their move to their new position.  We usually recommend a collaborative approach, from both outgoing and incoming supervisors to make sure the person feels they are being treated fairly and not negatively impacted solely based on the timing of the transfer. 

Calibration Meetings: Late April

As a part of the performance review process, department chairs and/or directors will be asked to actively participate in performance calibration meetings.  These meetings will be added to calendars in late April, it is essential that we have 100% participation. For those unfamiliar with performance calibrations, it is the process in which supervisors come together to discuss the performance of employees and achieve agreement on performance appraisal ratings.  For more information, please use these links to access an overview of the Calibration Process and Rating Scale. Please be prepared to discuss the information you entered in the performance rating worksheet. 

Finalized Ratings from Dean's Office: Late April

The Dean's Office will review all ratings after the calibration meetings.  Once approved, you will receive an email with the finalized approved rating so supervisors can conduct Performance Reviews.

Performance Reviews and Feedback - early May

After Calibrations and the ratings are confirmed, the manager reviews the ratings and conducts a conversation with the employee to review and confirm the ratings. At this time, the manager and employee may also discuss the employee’s career interests and development progress.  There should be no confirmation of merit increase percentage between supervisors and employees during the year-end performance review process.  Reviews and discussions must be finalized in Endeavor and signed in Endeavor by Friday, May 9, 2025.  For those employees who have worked in multiple roles over the last year, we would ask that the current manager complete the year-end performance review and merit recommendation, with input from any previous managers.

Performance Conversations

Now that Calibrations and the ratings are confirmed, managers should conduct a conversation with the employee to review and confirm the ratings. Items to discuss in your meeting: 

  • Rating Justification: Refer to the Rating Scale, performance examples that match the rating scale

  • Projects/Tasks Accomplished well

  • Opportunities for Improvement

  • Employees' career interests and development progress

There should be no confirmation of merit increase percentage between supervisors and employees during the year-end performance review process.  

eNDeavor Final Rating (Step 4) Submitted

Reviews and discussions must be finalized in Endeavor and signed in Endeavor.

  • Open eNDeavor
    • Here is a video if you would like to review
  • Click Timeline on the Left Side, and then click Tasks on the top
    • You should see "Review Performance with My Manager for each employee, Click "GO"
  • You will enter comments in the Summary of Performance.  
    • You can copy/paste many of the comments you put into your year-end justification form utilized in calibration.
    • Fill in Manager Year-End Comments- Expectations and Values
    • Enter the Overall Rating (this is the one approved by the Dean's Office after calibration)
    • Sign under manager signature 
    • Enter the Sign Date
    • Acknowledge you had a performance conversation
    • Click SAVE
  • Once Complete, Click Send Forward on the top
    • Send Forward to indicate that the review is complete
    • Select Yes on the dialogue box to confirm
    • The employee will receive an email notification that they have a task to do, Sign My Review

