Non-Regular Faculty/Budget Requests due Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Author: Michelle LaCourt

O'Shaughnessy Hall with Library in the background

The college is now accepting requests as part of its non-regular budget process for the upcoming academic year. This is the annual process where departments, centers, institutes, and programs submit their requests for postdocs, visitors, teaching assistants, and adjuncts (including adjunct faculty, term teaching, and concurrent appointments) to the college for review/consideration regardless of funding source. Similar to last year we are asking that all requests be submitted via the FileMaker Pro system by clicking on the button labeled "Non-Reg Funding." The approved rates for next year will be automatically loaded into new records for ease of entry.

The college will host a training for staff on how to use this system and submit requests on the following dates:

We ask that all staff who are working in this process attend one of the two training sessions above. The trainings are identical so attendance at only a single session is necessary.

Department chairs and faculty do not need to attend these training sessions.

We ask that all requests be submitted in the Filemaker Pro system by Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

Department chairs and other faculty leaders are also invited to discuss your requests with your associate dean and/or me if you would like, although this is not required. Please contact your associate dean or me if you would like to schedule this meeting.

Similar to past years, to provide transparency to the dean and associate deans regarding the total requests made to the college, we will be assembling all of the non-regular faculty requests into a single document for the associate deans and dean to review and approve. An initial review of the requests by the associate deans will take place starting Thursday, March 6, 2024, to make funding recommendations to Dean Mustillo. On Thursday, March 14, 2024, the associate deans and I will present our recommendations to Dean Mustillo for consideration and final approval. In the days following, we plan to email the funding decisions to each department, center, institute, and program.

Please contact Michelle LaCourt if you have any questions.