Technology Contact Information

Dr. Scott Russell, Information Technology Director

Submit a Support Request

The ALCO Support Services team provides day-to-day “break/fix” support for common hardware and software issues, and assists with procuring new technology for the College of Arts & Letters.

Submit a Consultancy Request

The ALCO Consulting Services team collaborates with faculty and staff across the entire College of Arts & Letters to identify opportunities and implement solutions for improving teaching, research, and operations through technology and process improvement.

OIT Helpdesk

If you need immediate help, please contact the OIT Help Desk through the ServiceNow Web Portal.

CRC Resources

The Center for Research Computing facilitates multidisciplinary discoveries through advanced computation, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and other digital research tools.

ND Learning

Collaborating with instructors to inspire and create transformational learning experiences at Notre Dame.

Teaching and Learning Technologies

The Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) group serves as a hub for pedagogical excellence with technology at Notre Dame. We work directly with administration, departments and faculty to offer a flexible and inclusive learning ecosystem.
