Supervisor Nominated Staff Awards

Ashley Zingo, Senior Director of Organizational Effectiveness

What are Supervisor Nominated Awards?

There are two types of Supervisor Nominated Awards: Spot and Recognition.

Spot Award

Spot Award is a performance-based award recognizing extraordinary performance over a short period of time. Supervisors can submit for a Spot Award on a quarterly basis. Award winners will receive a $100 Visa gift card. Eligible employees include full and part-time employees who have held the position for at least 6 months of time, employees are limited to 2 Spot Awards a year. Please note we have a limited number of Spot awards to distribute twice a year so we ask for quality nominations.

Example of when to nominate for a Spot award:

  • Employee was asked to perform a duty and the end result produced was significantly above expectations
  • Employee initiates an improvement, solution, or has a high student impact on the betterment of the college or department

Recognition Award

A Recognition Award is a performance-based award recognizing extraordinary achievement(s) outside the scope of an individual’s regular job responsibilities, performed in addition to their current assignment. The nomination should include data and examples demonstrating the accomplishments or improvements. Eligible employees include full and part-time employees, employees are limited to one Recognition Award a year. Please note we have a very limited number of Recognition Awards to distribute twice a year, so we ask for quality nominations.

Example of when to nominate for a Recognition award:

  • Employee initiated a change or improvement that furthered the college's priority plan that is outside their general job duties
  • Employee took on additional job responsibilities to further the department
  • Employee implemented a new process or program that significantly impacted the student experience
  • Employee created a new process or program that saved the department and college money or time

Nomination Process

Supervisors can send nominations through the Spot & Recognition form at any time. All nominations will be reviewed and approved by HR and the Dean's Office. There are a limited number of awards allotted for the college (number determined by HR) that can be awarded each year so HR and the Dean's office utilize a standard rubric to review each nomination.  

Related Links

Supervisor Nominated Award Submission Form
