Lunch Program

Kelly Huth, Sr. Administrative Coordinator

The Lunch Program enables all Instructors of Record to have lunch with their undergraduate students in either of the dining halls. This is a great way to ensure that your students get to know you as well as each other. We will fund the cost of 5 Value lunches. Students pay with their meal plans. This is available to all instructors of record (teaching assistants are not eligible).

Faculty Lunch Program

The Value 5 Meals can be purchased by faculty through Campus Dining (the current price is $42.05 + tax for a reimbursable total of $44.99). Faculty can log in to to purchase a meal plan. You can pay by credit card, which must be added before proceeding to checkout. Meal plans can not be purchased at either dining hall since it is a transaction that is processed through systems managed by the Irish1 Card Office. The lunches are placed directly onto the faculty member's ID Card and are good only during the semester purchased. Once purchased, faculty will submit the charge for reimbursement through their TravelND, making Kelly Huth the approver. Once approved, the money will be deposited directly into the faculty member's account.

Graduate Student Instructor of Record Lunch program

If you are a Graduate Student who is the Instructor of Record, not a TA, you qualify to have lunch with your students in either of the dining halls. Please complete the Graduate Student Lunch Program Form to request the lunches. For courses with 5 or more students, you will be eligible for 5 Value Meals so you may have lunch with your students. For courses with 4 or fewer, you are eligible for 2 Value Meals. These Value Meals will be placed directly on your account.  Please email the date of the lunch and the names of each student in attendance to Kelly Huth after each event.  Meals will expire at the end of the semester.   Lunch program requests will not be considered three weeks before the last day of class.
