
Megan Fitz, Sr. Administrative Coordinator, Social Sciences

The College conducts elections biannually: in the fall to fill any unexpected openings (i.e., to replace faculty who have left the University or who are on leave) and in the spring to replace faculty who have completed their terms of service. Many College and University committees are composed of faculty who serve staggered, three-year terms, half of whom are in appointed slots and half of whom are in elected slots.

The election process begins when the Nominating and Elections Committee sends to the entire Arts and Letters faculty an email call for nominations that outlines the list of College and University offices to be filled along with information about those eligible to stand for election and vote. The Nominating and Elections Committee strongly encourages self-nominations. All voting is done electronically. The Nominating and Elections Committee certifies the elections, notifies the candidates of the results of their individual elections, and then sends a complete listing of the election results to the entire Arts and Letters faculty.

Faculty who are unable to fulfill their responsibilities to a College or University Committee will need to inform the Dean’s Office. Please contact the Sr. Administrative Coordinator to the Associate Dean for the Social Sciences for information or questions.

Nominating and Elections Committee

The Arts and Letters Nominating and Elections Committee oversees elections in the College.  The Sr. Administrative Coordinator to the Associate Dean for the Social Sciences provides the Committee with administrative support, maintains the elections files, and monitors the results of all committees.
