Data Management & Storage Solutions

Dr. Scott Russell, Information Technology Director

Forms and Documents

Create a Shared Google Drive


Data Management Recommended Practices

Any data (files, folders, etc.) that are collaborative in nature, or that should persist beyond your time at the University should be stored in a shared drive.

Learn More about Account Lifecycle and Storage

Storage Platforms

There are several main options for storing, sharing, and collaborating on files.

If you have a specialized storage requirement or need to store highly sensitive information in a secure location, please work with your departmental IT support team.

Shared Files in Inactive Google/Box Accounts Will Be Deleted

In May 2023, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) announced new storage limits, prompting adjustments to the University's storage offerings. The OIT is also updating the NetID policy which establishes how long the University will retain inactive account data before it is deleted.

This change affects files or folders shared with you by people who left or graduated from the University more than one year ago. If no action is taken to transfer the files or folders to a shared drive, they will be deleted after the retention period.

What is happening?

  • All content from inactive (more than one year) Google & Box accounts will be deleted.
  • Collaborators must manually transfer any research, project, or other files in which they collaborated from the inactive account.
  • Failure to take preventative steps will result in the LOSS OF ACCESS to important files.

What do I need to do?

To protect important collaborative content and prevent losing access to it, follow these steps:

  • Identify and search for files and folders that may be at risk.
  • If the items you need are in Google My Drive, move them to a Google Shared Drive.
  • If the items you need are located in Box, request a group Box account and relocate them there.
  • Follow best practices in storing collaborative items moving forward.

What help is available?

OIT is also offering several resources on its Account and Lifecycle Management page. These include instructional guides and videos, Remote 1:1 Sessions, and Drop-In Office Hours.

Related Links

Google Drive Collaborative Storage Clean-Up FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions on Google Drive Allocations

Important Considerations Before Transferring Content from My Drive to a Google Shared Drive
