CRM Solutions

Will E. Bruckert, ALCO Consulting Services

Requested Action:

Please complete this 1-minute CRM Survey to let us know your (potential) CRM needs.

About Contacts Relationship Management Solutions (CRMs)

CRMs store & organize data which may include Contact Information, History of Communication, Event Attendance, and other relevant details; some have additional functionality such as Automated Communications/Marketing, Integration w/Other Systems, and Analytics & Reporting

Originating from the sales industry the C in CRM  commonly stands for Customer, though it may also stand for Clients, Clinical Patients, Collaborators/Partners, Companies/Organizations/Sponsors, Constituents or other types of Contacts such as Alumni, Applicants (for grants, scholarships, program admission, etc.), Donors, Event Attendees, Research Participants or any other group of individuals with whom you interact.

CRMs at Notre Dame

While the ND IT community is aware of a few key CRM solutions that serve specific areas such as Admissions & Development, it is not widely known what other CRM-like solutions and "shadow data" are currently in use, how they are being used, who is in them, or if the contact information therein is current.

To get a better picture of CRM-like solutions on campus and potentially make the business case for centrally-provided CRM service offerings, ALCO-Consulting Services conducted a CRM Assessment Project in November 2023.

We are striving to gather input from all departments, centers, institutes, labs, etc. to fully represent the current state of CRM-like usage within A&L, use cases & needs (both met and unmet), and desired features & functionality of potential future solutions.

Project status will be posted here, along with the final assessment report, which will be shared with the Dean's Office, as well as central IT.
