College Council

Karin Dale, Dean's Executive Administrator

The College Council of each undergraduate college consists of an equal number of ex officio and elected members. The Council's main objective is to review the policies, practices, and procedures of the College.

The ex officio members of each undergraduate college consist of the Dean of the College, the Associate and Assistant Deans, the chairpersons of all departments under the jurisdiction of the College, and any other administrators designated by the respective College Council. The Arts and Letters College Council consists of the deans, the chairpersons, selected directors, an equal number of elected faculty members, and four student members (two undergraduate students and two graduate students.) Each year approximately one-third of the elected faculty rotate off the College Council. 

Structure for the A&L College Council  
One Representative per Department 20
At Large 5
Students 4
Total 34

The meeting schedule for the upcoming academic year is posted in the Administrative Calendar. If you have suggestions for agenda items, please get in touch with the Dean or the Dean’s Executive Administrator.

Dean's Fellows Program

The Arts and Letters Dean’s Fellows Program is a student group that works on diverse and various projects, including enhancing student-faculty interaction and improving services to students. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, along with the assistant deans, mentors the Dean’s Fellows throughout the academic year. Each year two Dean’s Fellows will serve one-year terms on the College Council.
