Administrative Leave

Becky Badger, Sr. Administrative Coordinator, Humanities and Arts Megan Fitz, Sr. Administrative Coordinator, Social Sciences

In order to allow Department Chairpersons, Associate Deans, and other administrators identified at the discretion of the Dean of the College to re-engage fully with their research programs, those who serve a full three-year term are eligible for one semester of leave at full salary or one year of leave at half salary. If a faculty member serves two terms, two semesters of leave may be taken at full salary. Administrators may not accumulate more than two semesters of leave time without explicit written permission from the Dean or the Provost. 

Administrative leaves must be completed within 6 semesters of the conclusion of one’s administrative service, with at least one semester completed within the first year after the conclusion of service. Administrative leaves must be completed before any other form of research leave is undertaken. In accepting administrative leave, faculty members agree to adhere to the University’s Conflict of Commitment Policy and return to the University for a full academic year upon completion of the leave. At the conclusion of the last accumulated semester of administrative leave, the faculty member’s 10-semester clock will reset. 

Faculty members who hold administrative appointments in other colleges, schools, or units are not eligible for administrative leave unless it is offered by the unit that appoints them, usually in the appointment letter received at the start of their term. The appointing unit normally reimburses the College for the cost of the leave.
