Setting your 2024 - 2025 goals

Author: Ashley Zingo

Bullseye with arrow surrounded by a calendar, clock and to-do list

You may have seen a note from Heather Christophersen, Vice President for Human Resources noting the Endeavor performance management system is opening September 30. This is a little later than in past years so you will see an updated timeframe for all staff in Arts & Letters to enter their goals.

It is that time of year in the performance review cycle when we need to set our goals (expectations). It is YOUR responsibility to start this process.

Goal setting does not have to be hard. In fact, it can be quite fun! We ask that you and your immediate manager meet to discuss and establish the employee’s Expectations and Development Plan as part of Step 1 in the Performance Review Process.

The objective is for you and manager to agree on what is expected over the course of the fiscal/academic year and what development activities you will pursue.

Your next steps:

  1. Identify and create 5-7 goals (expectations) for the next academic year utilizing the information and guides below.
  2. Discuss and agree upon these goals with your supervisor.
  3. Enter the goals into Endeavor and send them forward to your manager by October 4.

A&L Goal Setting Training Guide

Endeavor Guide Video

Goal Framework

Department Related

Objectives related to department’s goals and plans, strategic projects and end results
Ex: Create a process for scheduling events in the Malloy Chapel (such as celebrants and sacristans) to create a more seamless experience for the user by February 2025.

Functional Performance

Objectives related to a functional part of your position
Ex: Learn the Emma system so I can assist in creating communication emails


Objectives related to continuous improvement, talent and succession planning etc
Ex: In the spirit of Study Everything, Do anything: Participate in 4 of the "Time Out for Tech" Classes within OIT.

My Leadership

Objectives related to manager development and leading other
Ex: To strengthen management skills, attend Better Conversations Everyday by January 2025.


Focused on enhancing the A&L Culture
Ex: Submit a WOW form once a month for a colleague
Ex: Attend Peer Group Discussions to build relationships across the College.

Goals in Endeavor should be SMART

S - Specific (we know exactly what success looks like)
M - Measurable (complete or not complete is clear)
A - Attainable (that yes you can do it!)
R - Realistic & Relevant (meet the need of the organization)
T - Time Bound (a "by when")

Important Dates

September 1-30— Meet with supervisors to define FY2025 goals
October 4 — Due date for employee goals in eNDeavor
October 16 — Due date for goals to be approved by supervisors in eNDeavor