Midterm Grades and Midterm Deficiencies due October 16

Author: Nick Russo

Please submit midterm grades and midterm deficiencies using the Grade Submission App available through InsideND by 3:45 p.m. on Monday, October 16.

Midterm grades provide an opportunity for faculty to share formal feedback with first-year students acclimating to university-level work.

Through midterm deficiencies, faculty convey concerns over academic performance when an undergraduate student (any year) is at or below a grade of C-. This information is especially important for the AL undergraduate deans and departmental advisors to identify students who are struggling, review their academic options, and connect them with any support services they may need.

In addition to letter grades, the Grade Submission App offers you the option to enter a reason code for the deficient grade: e.g., “Excessive Absences,” “Failure to Hand in Required Work,” “Poor Test Grades,” etc. The reason codes, as well, are useful in the support of struggling students. See here for full submission instructions.

Midterm grades and midterm deficiencies are part of an informative and constructive process. They do not become part of a student’s permanent academic record and do not appear on the official transcript.