Laboratory Self-Inspections - Starting July 1st

Author: Risk Management & Safety

A campus workshop with a decal on the floor that reads "Safey Begins Here."

As you may have heard, RMS will be asking labs to complete monthly self-inspections beginning in July. We are asking that monthly self-inspections be completed to aid in the overall safety of our labs on campus. The self-inspection questions have been pared down from 217 LISP questions to 29 questions (general, chemical, biological, and radiation) that will hit the high points of safety within the lab spaces. We estimate this inspection will take around 10 minutes each month and can be completed during the same time that monthly eyewash checks are being done.

These inspections can help the labs engage in their own safety more regularly, increase the number of lab personnel participating in safety, decrease the number of CAPAs labs receive on RMS inspections, and reduce the amount of time it takes RMS to complete your inspections. They will also hopefully help to open a dialogue between lab members on safety topics as well as dialogue between labs and RMS.
These inspections need to be completed using EHSInsight, the University's safety inspection platform. You may also have noticed that QR codes are going up near laboratory doors. These QR codes will aid in the completion of monthly self-inspections. The QR codes are set up for each laboratory, one inspection per building per PI regardless of the number of rooms. Once you scan the QR code it will open your pre-populated inspection sheet in EHSInsight. You will need to download the EHSInsight app on your smartphone for the QR code to work. We have done our absolute best to make sure that the QR codes are accurate, but if you find that they do not reflect all of your lab rooms or reflect rooms that are no longer yours, please reach out to us at and we will make the adjustments and place a new QR code.
To aid personnel in using EHSInsight from the inspection side, we have created a "how-to" guide which is attached and hyperlinked here. It is also available in the EHSInsight portal.
We thank you in advance for your ongoing support of safety in our laboratories. If you have any questions regarding the inspection process or EHS Insight, please reach out to us at