Arts & Letters welcomes 28 new faculty for the 2024-2025 academic year

Author: Office of Communications

O'Shaughnessey building in the fall with a blue sky and clouds

The College of Arts & Letters is a liberal arts college focused on cultivating understanding of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The College is also at the heart of a research university and supportive of faculty and student efforts to produce recognized and impactful scholarship. Further, the College is Catholic—embracing diversity of thought and encouraging faculty and students to use their gifts to build a vibrant, distinctive community tied to one of the world’s great intellectual traditions.

The quality of our faculty is at the heart of our identity and aspirations. Faculty accomplishments determine our academic reputation. Their collaborative spirit allows us to better educate our students and build new programs and better departments. Their support for the University’s mission enables its standing as the premier Catholic research university.

I am pleased to introduce the new faculty who have joined the College of Arts and Letters this year. They are an unusually accomplished group. Please join me in welcoming them to the College.

- Sarah Mustillo, the I.A. O’Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters


Art, Art History and Design



East Asian Languages and Cultures



Film, Television, and Theatre

Romance Languages and Literatures



Political Science


Technology & Digital Studies Program

