Five ways to promote your latest book, film, art show, or CD

Author: Office of Communications

The Arts and Letters Office of Communications can help you promote your latest book, film, art show, or CD. Here are some ideas to help you get the word out:

  1. Please submit it online to the faculty bookshelf on the Arts and Letters website, which showcases books, CDs, DVDs, and single-artist exhibit catalogs. 
    • Note: Only work commercially available online will be uploaded so visitors to the website can find and purchase it. Due to volume constraints, journal articles and other forms of artwork cannot be accepted.
  2. Tweet it. Reply to this email with the title of your new work and a link to the publisher listing, and we will announce it on the College’s Twitter page: @ArtsLettersND.
    • Note: Only newly released works will be tweeted.
  3. Display it. Send a copy of your work to Kim Murray to put in the display case in the Office of the Dean. Contact her at or 574.631.7085 for more information.
    • Note: Your work will be returned when the display is updated.
  4. Read it and sign it at the campus bookstore. For more information, contact Colleen Jones at or 574.631.9730.
  5. Tell us about it. If your work gets an award, could you let us know? Volume constraints do not allow us to write about every new work when it’s published, but we can announce external awards and honors your work receives.