Faculty Writing Retreat

Author: Josh Aspen Tychonievich

ISLA will once again host a writing retreat for faculty in Arts and Letters on January 8-11, 2024. The retreat is designed to provide time, space, and structure to help faculty make significant progress on scholarly writing projects before the semester begins.

Space for this retreat is limited. Until November 20, registration is limited to tenure-line assistant and associate professors on a first-come, first-served basis. Should any spots remain open, registration will open to all regular faculty in the College on November 20.

The retreat will take place Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Academic Commons suite in Corbett Family Hall. After continental breakfast (available by 9:00 a.m.), writing time will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. each day.

Click Here to Register

During the retreat, ISLA will provide:

  • Structured writing time in a quiet dedicated space

  • Common office supplies (paper, pens, post-it notes, etc.)

  • Coffee, tea, cold drinks, and snacks

  • Daily continental breakfast and lunch

  • Subsidies for either full-day or after-school childcare

In exchange, participating faculty must:

  • Commit to full-time attendance every day of the retreat

  • Remain focused on writing--phones and email will only be permitted during breaks or in the case of an emergency

  • Commit to setting, achieving, and updating personal goals each day

  • Engage and encourage other participants