Faculty Directed Retreat in Daily Life 2024

Author: Fr. Frank Murphy

The Retreat in Daily Life is a directed retreat in the Ignatian tradition for busy people.

The retreat includes:

  • Commitment to a Half Hour of Daily Private Prayer
  • Weekly Individual 45 minute Meeting with an experienced Spiritual Director
  • 5 Weeks:  January 29 to March 1

During this retreat, you will maintain your daily commitments while making space for prayer and a weekly individual meeting with an experienced spiritual director. Your spiritual director will suggest prayer content specifically for you and reflect with you on your prayer and spiritual life. This retreat offers a way to find God in your busy life, discover new ways of praying, create some quiet space for yourself, and deepen your spiritual practices. The retreat lasts for five weeks: you pray daily at a time you set aside and meet once a week with a spiritual director (5 times). 

A group of experienced spiritual directors have made themselves available for the retreat, some are on campus and a few are from the wider community. The deadline for registering is Thursday, January 18, 2023

Click Here to Register