Employee Spotlight: Tiarra Lax-Walker

Author: Bridget Noonan

Tiarra Lax-Walker
Each month we showcase the most valuable assets in our college - our people!
Name: Tiarra Lax-Walker

Title: Sr. Administrative Coordinator, Dean's Office

What is your favorite thing about your job? I love a lot of features, including the opportunity to take on challenging projects and collaborating with my team and other departments to enhance the workflow and help others. I love that I have the opportunity to expose myself to new training and that I get to network with so many individuals across the college and university.
Do you have a favorite spot on campus?
Anywhere outside enjoying the scenery and fresh air. I’ve met a lot of people from around the world just by walking around campus and giving a smile.
What is your ideal way to spend a weekend? Outside in my zero gravity chair with a motivational book, and my kids running around saying "mom" every 10 minutes. I wouldn't have it any other way! I have 4 daughters and am currently 17 weeks pregnant.