Call for Writing Center Tutor Nominations | Due March 22

Author: Matthew Capdevielle

Two students participating in a Writing Center tutoring session.
The Writing Center is now accepting Undergraduate and Graduate Student Tutor Nominations from faculty for the 2024-2025 academic year. 
Writing Center tutors meet with writers from across the University to discuss writing in progress. Tutors pose questions and engage writers in dialogue about their ideas, arguments, and writing processes. They work with undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and faculty at any stage in the writing process to help them do their best work. For more information about what happens in a Writing Center session, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
We are seeking promising writers from all disciplines who can communicate well with other writers. The best tutors are curious and enthusiastic about ideas, flexible and expansive in their thinking, willing to engage with a variety of perspectives, and open to considering arguments from multiple vantage points. Above all, we are seeking patient and excellent listeners who can read their writers’ work both charitably and critically and speak with enthusiasm about writing and ideas.
You are all particularly well-positioned to assess these qualities in your students.
To nominate a student to be a Writing Center tutor, simply submit the following information via the Writing Center Tutor Nomination Form or via email to
  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Email Address
  • One or two sentences explaining why you think the student would make a good writing tutor.
Please feel free to nominate more than one student for this paid position for UNDERGRADUATE and GRADUATE students. We will host an information session for prospective tutors, and all nominees will receive an invitation to apply for the position.
The nomination deadline is Friday, March 22nd.
Many of you have referred fantastic students to us over the years, and I’m very grateful for your excellent recommendations. Writing Center tutors provide a tremendous service to the writing community at Notre Dame by offering a venue for writers to work out their ideas in conversation with bright, attentive listeners. By nominating one or more of your students for a position in the Writing Center, you are playing a key role in shaping our program for the coming year.