2025 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program

Author: Josh Tychonievich

Please see the internal call below for the Carnegie Fellows program. This is a limited submission opportunity; Notre Dame may nominate only one senior scholar and one junior scholar for this fellowship. To be considered for this nomination, submit the required materials (outlined in the forwarded email below) to limited@nd.edu by September 12.

Tips for preparing your internal submission.


Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program

$200,000 honorific fellowship to support research re: “why our society has become so polarized and what can be done to strengthen American democracy.” The University may nominate one senior scholar (PhD more than 10 years ago) and one junior scholar (PhD less than 10 years ago). This opportunity is open to all disciplines.

Competitive applicants will demonstrate both compelling research plans and solutions to strengthen U.S. democracy. Interested candidates should also review the 2024 Fellows cohort and consider how their proposal is a distinctive contribution.

In anticipation of the Fall 2024 release of this funding opportunity, NDR Limited Submissions is conducting the internal competition now to increase the time available to the institutional nominees to prepare a competitive proposal.

Please note that ISLA will host a webinar with representatives from the Carnegie Fellows program. The webinar will be on Friday, Sept 6 from 12:00-12:45 p.m. Note that this session will NOT be recorded. 

Register here for the webinar

Send your five-page (maximum) CV and one-page (maximum) research summary/project description in one PDF to limited@nd.edu by the internal deadline. Name your submission "PILastName_CarnegieFellows_2025.pdf." Include in the title of your research summary whether you are applying to the "Senior" or "Junior" Scholar opportunity.

Internal Interest Date: 2024-09-12

Sponsor Anticipated Deadline Date: 2024-11-15

Nominations are evaluated by the jury based on the following criteria:

  • Originality and promise of the idea
  • Quality of the proposal
  • Potential impact on the field
  • Plans to communicate findings to a broad audience
  • Record of the nominee

All internal applications are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on the internal expression of interest deadline. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

Questions? Contact Suzanne DeGuilio (Foundation Relations) at sdeguili@nd.edu