Advising Network Conference 2024: "Spring Forward: Transforming the Advising Landscape"

Location: McKenna Hall (View on map )

Spring Forward: Transforming the Advising Landscape

The Notre Dame Advising Network is a community of colleagues who serve in diverse advising roles at the University of Notre Dame - as first-year academic advisors, college advisors/directors of undergraduate studies, counselors in Academic Services for Students Athletes, and directors of scholars programs. Advising colleagues meet regularly to exchange ideas and best practices for developing professionally as they guide students on their academic journeys.

Sponsored by Notre Dame’s Center for University Advising, the Advising Network is excited to announce plans for our conference in March 2024, Spring Forward: Transforming the Advising Landscape. The higher education landscape has been changing dramatically in response to the COVID pandemic, the incursion of artificial intelligence, partisan divisions in the U.S., war and political instability in the world, and an ever-threatening climate crisis. These exigent issues affect not only student mental health, learning, and overall development, they also challenge our professional practice and personal well-being.

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Spring Forward: Transforming the Advising Landscape will take place on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 in McKenna Hall at the University of Notre Dame. There is no registration fee for the conference. All are welcome!

Please register by Friday, March 1, 2024.

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