Google Shared Drive Training Session (Zoom)


Location: Zoom

What are we offering?

In this Zoom workshop, ALCO will demonstrate the basics of using Google Shared Drives. During the first half of the training session, we'll review best practices for storing data in Google Drive, how to identify files at risk of being deleted, and how to move files into a Google Shared Drive. The second half of the training session will allow you time to look through the files in your Google Drive, ask questions, and get some help starting the process of creating and managing a Google Shared Drive.

Why is this important to do now?

OIT has implemented new policies for Account Lifecycle and Storage that will begin enforcement in March 2024. At that time, all content from inactive Google & Box accounts will be deleted. Collaborators must manually transfer any research, project, or other files they collaborated on from the inactive account. Failure to take preventative steps will result in the LOSS OF ACCESS to important files.

Participation Details

  • Registration is limited to 50 participants.
  • Participants are required to have a Zoom-capable computer with a functioning webcam and microphone.
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