OIT Google Shared Drive Information Session (Zoom)


Location: Zoom

The OIT has maintained thousands of inactive accounts for people who have previously left the University (e.g., graduated students). This helped maintain access to shared documents that reside in those inactive accounts. However, recent storage changes now require that we delete inactive accounts according to the account lifecycle policy. To protect access to collaborative content, you may need to copy important documents before they are deleted.

As part of the University’s continued efforts to manage our storage footprint, the Office of Information Technologies (OIT) will be required to more deliberately implement the account lifecycle process, which includes the deletion of an individual’s Google and Box account after they leave or graduate from the University. This process will delete the accounts and remove any files associated with the accounts including collaborative content.

The updated policy will hold both the individual and OIT departments accountable for maintaining strong information security and resource management. The new process will go into effect in the spring of 2024. More information is available on the Account Lifecycle and Storage web page.

Attend this information session to learn what you need to do to prepare for these changes.