greeNDot Training


Location: 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall (View on map )

We are excited to share that we have scheduled two training opportunities for A&L staff on Wednesday, October 4, and Wednesday, November 1 in 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall. The sessions will be led by Mara Trionfero Lucas and our very own, Chelsea Cloutier!

greeNDot is our bystander intervention strategy on campus that teaches how to recognize individual decisions, moments, values, and actions that contribute to a culture of harm and bystander inaction (red dots). It also provides strategies on how to act, both reactively and proactively, in these situations so our campus is safer and promotes a culture of care(green dots). While the training is focused on interpersonal violence scenarios such as sexual assault, dating, domestic violence, and stalking, the skills learned can help in many different situations. The 4-hour nationally certified training uses small group interactions, activities, and videos to help people discuss potentially harmful situations our students and we as staff face as well as discuss barriers to action and teach methods that anyone can use. Our motto is "No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something." Come learn what your greeNDot will be!